Le Dune Resort – Offer

from 96 € per person in double room and in Half Board

Book by 15.05.2021 and get 10% off.

An exclusive guest house in the oldest Sardinian lighthouse. A few guests for an unforgettable vacation in a hidden Sardinian paradise

An exclusive guest house in the oldest Sardinian lighthouse. A few guests for an unforgettable vacation in a hidden Sardinian paradise

Located 350 meters from the crystalline sea in the South-West of the island of La Maddalena the hotel is surrounded by 3 hectares of Mediterranean vegetation.

Located 350 meters from the crystalline sea in the South-West of the island of La Maddalena the hotel is surrounded by 3 hectares of Mediterranean vegetation.



In the splendid scenery of the Costa Smeralda in 2013 was founded the beautiful Reef Beach & Restaurant.
Could you imagine sipping a cocktail at sunset in the surrounding of the bay of Cala di Volpe, one of the most exclusive places in the world and to be lulled by the sea breeze after a relaxing day enjoying the sea. After then to taste the culinary fish specialties, by tasting of the excellent made in italy and international wines.
All this is possible at the Reef Beach & Restaurant.

The Reef is located in the beautiful bay on the white sandy beach of Cala Petra Ruja overlooking the sea. The name of the Restaurant is due to the granite red rocks. Here the sea is crystal blue. The seawaters are transparent and shallow. To the north of the beach Petra Ruja is located the beach called the Long Beach, while to the south the beach Razza di Junco.

The Reef Restaurant is reachable in two different ways: by walk through a path passing the beach of Petra Ruja or by the sea thanks to the tender Reef Beach starting from the pier of Cala di Volpe. The journey takes 15 minutes and during the path, you will admire the beautiful landscape and the crystalline sea of this bay.

This marvelous place is the perfect oasis of peace and tranquility glamour.
From early in the morning you can use the beach service, there are at the disposal of the guests, umbrellas and sun loungers and free beach towels. The Beach Bar offers refreshing drinks, ice creams, delicious cocktails and snacks accompanied by the enjoyable music.
Other available services at the disposal of the guest: free Wi Fi, showers and locker rooms for those who want to prepare for a sunset aperitif and then for an unforgettable dining experience in the evening.
The beach assistance is available from 9 am to 19 pm and provide a daily towel change and accessibility for the disabled.

The Restaurant offers a refined menu in a unique and fascinating setting. Mediterranean flavors surrounded by the wild nature will make you lives unforgettable atmosphere of a real dream.
Suitable and recommended for couples who want to celebrate an anniversary or special occasion, also perfect for exclusive events such as weddings or private and theme parties, all in total privacy with the highest standard of service.
Whatever it’s, a delicious lunch based on seafood and fish, an aperitif by the sunset or a romantic dinner, the Reef Experience is for sure an unforgettable experience to try at least once in a life.



Le 10 cose da vedere in Gallura…oltre il mare


Il mare sappiamo è la migliore attrazione che la Gallura ha da offrire, ma non tutti sanno che in Gallura c’è una grande storia archeologica. Un vero e proprio tesoro a pochissimi chilometri dalla Costa Smeralda. Scopri le 10 cose da vedere in Gallura!

Chi decide di visitare la Sardegna partendo dalla Gallura, sa che può visitare alcune delle spiagge più belle che ci siano in Sardegna. Spesso si associa la Gallura al lusso della Costa Smeralda, al glamour di Porto Cervo, alla bellezza paradisiaca dell’Arcipelago della Maddalena. Ma non tutti sanno che esiste un tesoro spesso sconosciuto nell’interno della Gallura, un tesoro dal valore inestimabile che merita grandissimo risalto e che sarebbe un vero peccato lasciare lì senza che venga colto nella sua essenza e nel suo significato. È per questo abbiamo deciso di dare luce a tutto ciò con un articolo sul Blog alle 10 cose da vedere in Gallura. Che decidiate di soggiornare in un resort esclusivo, in un boutique hotel o in un hotel sul mare, consigliamo vivamente di dedicare un pomeriggio o una giornata alla visita di questi tesori segreti che sembra abbiano una così poca rilevanza ma che in realtà custodiamo gelosamente. Ecco a voi la raccolta delle 10 perle in Gallura (oltre le spiagge e il mare) dalla quale potrete scegliere le vostre attrazioni preferite



Gli Olivastri Millenari di Luras

Gli Olivastri di Luras vivono da migliaia di anni sulle colline nei pressi del Lago di Liscia. Sono veri e propri monumenti naturali: pensate che il più grande raggiunge un’altezza di 14 metri, una circonferenza di 12 metri e copre una superficie di circa 600 metri quadri…e si chiama il Grande Patriarca, il più vecchio ulivo d’Europa. Nel 1991 è stato dichiarato proprio “Monumento Naturale” e inserito nella lista dei “20 alberi secolari italiani”.


Il Museo della Femina Agabbadòra di Luras

La Femina Agabbadòra era una figura un po’ controversa e misteriosa: era una donna che con un martello in legno d’olivo poneva fine alla sofferenza dei malati. Il Museo rappresenta un vero e proprio tuffo in una casa gallurese del passato accompagnati da un racconto che vi farà capire molte cose sulle tradizioni delle famigie galluresi.


Il Lago Liscia

Il Lago Liscia è un lago artificiale tra i comuni di Luras, Sant’Antonio Gallura e Lugosanto ed è inserito in un contesto naturalistico incredibile e molto suggestivo. Un’escursione in battello, dopo aver visitato il Museo dell’Agabbadòra e gli olivastri millenari è un qualcosa che consigliamo assolutamente.


Il Nuraghe Majori di Tempio Pausania

Il Nuraghe Majori è un monumento datato all’Età del Bronzo Medio (1400 a.C.), realizzato con pietre di incredibili dimensioni. All’interno ospita una colonia di piccolissimi pipistrelli (Rinolophus Hipposideros) che arrivano ad aprile e migrano ad ottobre. Durante gli scavi archeologici sono state rinvenute forme ceramiche di uso quotidiano che attestano la funzione abitativa del monumento, insieme a quella di controllo delle risorse del territorio. Si tratta di una struttura imponente. Una delle più significative dell’intero territorio Gallurese.



Il Monte Limbara

Nel periodo estivo, una bellissima alternativa al turismo balneare è rappresentata da una escursione nel Monte Limbara. Percorsi di trekking attraverso le torri granitiche e le rocce dalle forme stranissime, birdwatching, fotografia naturalistica…scegliete il vostro itinerario, zaino in spalla e si parte all’avventura!


Il Museo del Banditismo di Aggius

Nel museo del banditismo di Aggius è conservata gelosamente la storia del brigantismo sardo con importanti reperti di quell’epoca. Una vasta collezione di armi da fuoco e di documentazione originale dell’epoca del dominio spagnolo. Una visita in questo museo (unico in Italia) stuzzicherà la vostra fantasia. Vi sembrerà di tornare all’epoca del “far west” nostrano. Foto segnaletiche, la riproduzione di un commissariato dell’epoca e molto altro ancora vi attendono in una cornice inaspettata.


Il Centro Storico di Aggius

La leggenda narra che il “diavolo” abitasse nascosto nello splendido resegone roccioso alle spalle di questo paese (bandiera arancione del Touring Club Italiano) poco più di un centinaio di anni fa. Era da queste montagne che col suono del tamburo preannunciava sanguinose nottate nel centro storico. In realtà il paese ha attraversato un buio periodo alimentato da terribili faide. Oggi questo centro storico fa rivivere al visitatore le atmosfere dell’ottocento gallurese, con le sue vie in selciato, le case in granito e i suoi splendidi musei. Vi sembrerà di fare un tuffo nel passato


La Valle della Luna di Aggius

Sicuramente uno dei panorami più suggestivi della Gallura. La vista si perde fino a Luras e Tempio Pausania. Consigliamo almeno una breve sosta presso il chiosco del belvedere, magari per degustare un tagliere di salumi e dei buoni vini locali. Qui la natura “rocciosa” della Gallura dà il meglio di sé. Non vi pentirete di questa breve sosta.


Le Tombe dei Giganti di Arzachena

Bellissima Tomba Nuragica risalente al 1400 AC composta da una camera funeraria lunga 30 metri e larga 3 metri dove si rendeva omaggio ai morti della comunità.


Nuraghe la Prisgiona di Arzachena

Complesso nuragico composto da un nuraghe circondato da un villaggio di capanne che si estende addirittura per 5 ettari. Allo stato attuale gran parte del villaggio è ancora sotto terra e la grande estensione fa pensare alla dinamicità e organizzazione che aveva la comunità che vi abitava.


Che aspettate a venire a trovarci?



Photo credits:
Homepage – bandierearancioni.it
Wikipedia – PatriarchiNatura.it – sardiniaandmore.blogspot.com


Scopri i migliori Hotel in Gallura.


Ti potrebbero interessare:

A luxury hotel where exclusivity is guaranteed because of the few suites and the perfect service. This luxury guest house is the perfect place for an unforgettable vacation.


With the most prestigious boats, our crews will guide you on memorable days to discover the La Maddalena Archipelago and the South of Corsica. Exclusive service on board.Poseidon is also specialized in fishing trips and provides you with the best equipment to cope with any type of capture together with the experience of experienced local fishermen.


The activities:- Fishing trips;- Organization of “all inclusive” fishing weekends;- Whale watching (sighting large cetaceans);- Internships dedicated to the deepening of the various techniques.   We think of everything:Equipment, baits, lunch, fuel, expert crew to guide you in the most fishy waters.   In addition there is the possibility of Luxury Yacht rental to choose from a wide range of proposals.Service available in all the ports of Northern Sardinia.



Luhrs 360 Open

Latest generation American Fisherman with every comfort on board: air conditioning, hi-fi, refrigerator, kitchenette, microwave and colour TV. Designed for fishing and equipped with the best professional instruments as well as a professional SONAR 360 ° scanner.

Length 11,86 m
Beam 4,22 m
Weight 9.988 Kg /21.973 pounds
Engine power 2X 450 hp Caterpillar
Capacity 12 passengers



Riviera 4000 Off-shore

This model also features the most sophisticated fishing gear and electronic equipment available on the market. Spacious and stable 14-metre boat with an elegant, sporty design, suitable for any type of deep-water fishing.

Length 13,60 m
Beam 4,46 m
Weight 11.500 Kg / 25.300 pounds
Engine power 2X 480 Hp Cummins
Capacity 12 passengers



Tiara 36

Perfect solution for the maximum comfort. This boat has all the prestigious optionals.

Length 12,74 m
Beam 4,02 m
Engine power 2X 380 Hp Cummins
Capacity 10 passengers



e-mail: poseidoncharter@gmail.com
office: +39 079 694167
mobile: +39 393 9102615





Every day our friendly and professional crew will guide you on memorable and exciting fishing trips with the most prestigious boats putting at your disposal the best available equipment for every type of capture. We take care of everything: equipment, lunch, fuel and crew experts who will guide you in the waters that are rich of fish.

– Fishing with the assistance of an experienced sport fishermen;
– Organization of a fishing week-end “all inclusive”;
– Whale watching (sighting of large cetaceans);
– Course dedicated to the deep knowledge of the various and refined techniques of sport fishing with coaching by experienced anglers.

It is also possible to take advantage of Luxury Yachts Rental for those who want to visit the breathtaking and fascinating places in North Sardinia, such as the Archipelago of la Maddalena, or the South of Corsica – amazing island.
With the Poseidon Service, you will live an unforgettable holiday in absolute relaxation.





Luhrs 360 Open

Latest generation American Fisherman with every comfort on board: air conditioning, hi-fi, refrigerator, kitchenette, microwave and colour TV. Designed for fishing and equipped with the best professional instruments as well as a professional SONAR 360 ° scanner.

Length 11,86 m
Beam 4,22 m
Weight 9.988 Kg /21.973 pounds
Engine power 2X 450 hp Caterpillar
Capacity 12 passengers



Riviera 4000 Off-shore

This model also features the most sophisticated fishing gear and electronic equipment available on the market. Spacious and stable 14-metre boat with an elegant, sporty design, suitable for any type of deep-water fishing.

Length 13,60 m
Beam 4,46 m
Weight 11.500 Kg / 25.300 pounds
Engine power 2X 480 Hp Cummins
Capacity 12 passengers



Tiara 36

Perfect solution for the maximum comfort. This boat has all the prestigious optionals.

Length 12,74 m
Beam 4,02 m
Engine power 2X 380 Hp Cummins
Capacity 10 passengers



e-mail: poseidoncharter@gmail.com
office: +39 079 694167
mobile: +39 393 9102615






The Regattas of Porto Cervo – Costa Smeralda 2017

Everything is ready again for an incredible regatta season, which has already started and will include several events.

Thousands of visitors and sea lovers will be attracted by the beautiful coasts of Porto Cervo.




Founded in 1967 by prince Aga Khan, Giuseppe Kerry Mentasti and Luigi Vietti, the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda is a non-profit sport association whose unique objective is to reunite sea lovers and passionates of sailing.

Today princess Zahra Aga Khan is the President of the YCCS, while Dr. Roberto Kerkoc is the Vicepresident.


The first regattas took place in 1972 with the first edition of the Week of the Mouths, while in 1984 after the incredible success of the Azzurra the first 12 Metres World Championship was established in Porto Cervo.

This was followed by other successes like the one of Destriero, and nowadays the YCCS is the biggest international scenario of yachting activities.

Thousands of visitors rush every year to the coasts of Porto Cervo to take part into these yachting events. Among them, the most important and most valued is undoubtedly Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup & Rolex, which this year will be celebrating its 28th edition.




Regattas Calendar

We are proud to announce the regattas calendar for 2017 in Costa Smeralda

12-14 May                   Saliling & Golf

18-21 May                   AUDI – Italian Sailing League – Porto Cervo

30 May-3 June             Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta

14-17 June                  Melges 40 Grand Prix

21-25 June                  AUDI 52 Super Series Sailing Week

29 June – 2 July          RC44 Porto Cervo Cup

10-11 July                   Farr 40 Pre Worlds

13-16 July                   Rolex Farr 40 Worlds

21-23 July                   Europe Smeralda Cup 888

6 August                     YCCS Members Championship

21 August                   Palermo-Porto Cervo-Montecarlo

3-9 September           Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup & Rolex Maxi 72 Worlds

10 September             YCCS 50th Anniversary Regatta

12-16 September         AUDI J/70 World Championship

22-24 September         AUDI Sailing Champions League



Sara Nanni




from 95 € per person in Bed and Breakfast basis

18% discount for booking made before 28.02.2017 valid from 14.04.2017 to 25.05.2017

from 255 € per person in Half Board

20% discount for booking confirmed before 23.07.2018

(20% is not refundable)

Le migliori spiagge di Santa Teresa di Gallura si Capo Testa e Santa Reparata La spiaggia La Colba L'arenile è frequentato principalmente dagli abitanti della frazione di Santa Reparata, che per le sue dimensioni sembra un paesino a sé. Il piccolo borgo si è sviluppato intorno alla chiesa, ovviamente intitolata alla Santa; la festa a lei dedicata si svolge però nei pressi della chiesa di Buoncammino, la seconda domenica (o il primo fine settimana) di Settembre. Partendo dal succitato incrocio, svoltando a sinistra lungo la via Orsa Maggiore e poi ancora a sinistra lungo la via delle Rena di Ponente o della Taltana; sulla destra, all'interno della Baia di Santa Reparata, spiaggia Capicciolu, familiarmente chiamata Spiaggia di Zia Colomba (Colomo, 2001). Faro di Capo Testa, dove non è consentito l'accesso, ma dal quale si dipartono numerosi sentieri, che portano a delle calette appartate e di straordinaria bellezza, con arenili formati da piccoli granelli di granito. Cala Spinosa, incastonata in uno scenario granitico mozzafiato. Negli anni, la strada di accesso all'arenile è stata sbarrata dai muri di cinta delle abitazioni sorte nel promontorio. La Valle della Luna, Valle di Cala Grande Dopo una camminata di circa dieci minuti, in mezzo ad una rigogliosa macchia mediterranea, si trova un sentiero tra i graniti, che ridiscende nella valle. Un enorme masso spaccato in tre parti segna l'ingresso di quest'angolo di Gallura, apparentemente estraneo al mondo che lo circonda. Le pareti si avviluppano in sculture naturali uniche, la vallata è ricoperta da una verdeggiante prateria, mentre sullo sfondo si staglia il mare verde e blu. La sabbia non è sicuramente tra le migliori, essendo alquanto grossolana, ma la Valle della Luna si gode nel suo insieme, rispettando anche gli irriducibili hippy che hanno deciso di trasformare i ripari sotto roccia nelle loro abitazioni. Spiaggia de La Marmorata, probabilmente la più bella di tutta la costa gallurese. L'acqua del litorale è realmente cristallina, attraversata da tonalità di verde e d'azzurro proprie dell'incantato mare sardo. La spiaggia di Cala Sambuco, uno scorcio di litorale da non perdere. Baie La Marmorata, ma accedervi è così complicato che è vivamente consigliato l'utilizzo di un gommone. Cala Macchia Mala Una strada sulla destra, esattamente contrapposta alla Conca Verde, porta nell'incantevole area di Caresi; all'interno della valle si possono ammirare alcune delle massime sculture granitiche naturali del territorio di Santa Teresa che, inserite in un contesto ambientale incontaminato, creano un atmosfera realmente da sogno. La spiaggia di Porto Liscia, lunghissima e caratterizzata da dune molto scenografiche, tagliate dal fiume omonimo.

A romantic hotel on a cliff facing the Protected Marine Reserve of Tavolara. The sea just a few steps from the hotel, a wellness centre, equipped fitness room with panoramic view and 2 restaurants to please all tastes guarantee a perfect vacation

An exclusive guest house in the oldest Sardinian lighthouse. A few guests for an unforgettable vacation in a hidden Sardinian paradise

This golf hotel is in one of the last pristine areas of the Island and near the famous 18-hole golf course of Is Arenas Golf & Country Club.

A romantic hotel in the exclusive San Pantaleo village, in the heart of Emerald Coast. A cuisine with a chef, a wellness centre and a quite place a few minutes from the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia

A family hotel close to the main square of Baia Sardinia, to enjoy the sea at the hotel solarium and be at walking distance to the bars, boutiques and restaurants of this cute village of Emerald Coast

A romantic hotel in front of the sea, only for adults and with all comforts for a relaxing vacation enjoying the sea and the wellness centre

A romantic location surrounded by a 50.000 square meter park, a private beach and suites overlooking the sea for an elegant and exclusive atmosphere.

An exclusive golf hotel in Costa Smeralda, close to the Pevero Golf Club and equipped with a training course to practice or start learning how to play golf.

This luxury resort is surrounded by a 700 hectares pine forest and a private beach 5 km long: relaxation and privacy in a small slice of heaven.

This family resort is surrounded by nature and just a short stroll from the best beaches of Villasimius, a hotel equipped with all amenities for your family vacation.

This family hotel with its Kids Club, the beach right by the hotel and the restaurant dedicated to children, is the perfect destination for a family vacation.

One of the most famous hotels on the Southern coast, where you can enjoy tailored wellness treatments by the sea.

Surrounded by an 11 hectare park with a private beach, the hotel is perfect for a family vacation, thanks to the Kids and Teen clubs and the numerous activities during the day.

One of the world's most famous 5 star hotels, located in the secluded and renowned Poltu Quatu, with a small harbor and private beach, for the utmost luxury and privacy.

An oasis of luxury and elegance, one of the ‘Leading Spas of the World’ at your disposal for a vacation in one of Sardinia’s top destinations

This luxury hotel has suites with a panoramic terrace on the beach, and a thalasso center where you can pamper yourself, all surrounded by the wonderful gardens of one of the world's most famous resorts.

This golf hotel is close to one of the most famous golf courses in the world, a 60 hectare green by the sea: a truly unique scenery.

This 5 star hotel, facing the beach of the Gulf of Marinella, this is the ideal place for those who wish to experience the exclusivity and comfort of Costa Smeralda.

The wellness center of one of the 5 hotels of the Le Dune Resort is just one of the many services offered by one of Sardinia’s most comprehensive resorts. 

An oasis of tranquility and relaxation, 500 m from Torre di Bari beach, ideal for spending your holidays with your loved one in a special place with breathtaking views.

Romantic and elegant, an oasis between sea and mountain in one of Eastern Sardinia’s most beloved destinations.

A romantic and charming hotel, an oasis of tranquility near one of Sardinia’s most beautiful beaches

Comfort and exclusivity in a 5 star Hotel surrounded by tropical gardens, a stone’s thrown away from Sardinia’s fantastic sea.

A magical place by the sea, with an excellent SPA where you can regenerate your body and mind.

Exclusive Bungalows a stone’s throw away from the sea, and a luxury SPA surrounded by a tropical garden at your disposal.

An oasis of peace inside the exclusive Forte Village Resort with a truly unique SPA with thalasso treatments.

In the Sinis Peninsula, a romantic hotel surrounded by a pristine oasis where you can enjoy a holiday dedicated to privacy and gourmet tastings to appease your palate.

This family resort surrounded by a park in front of the Gulf of Asinara and an 8km long beach, it boasts numerous activities and facilities: a paradise for families.

A fantastic family resort surrounded by a tropical garden, where you can relax and have fun thanks to the numerous activities dedicated to the whole family.

Suites with amazing views, just a short walk from the beach, where luxury is combined with elegance, in one of the most famous luxury resorts in the world.

A romantic holiday in the center of the Mediterranean’s capital, between ancient atmospheres and captivating landscapes.

A gorgeous location by the Gulf of Asinara, for a romantic holiday between walks along the little harbor and splendid beaches.

In front of the Gulf of Asinara, with its sports, activities, kids club and excursions, this family hotel will make your holidays truly unforgettable.

In front of the beautiful Marinedda beach, one of the premier wellness centers for your physical and mental well being.

Surrounded by a park in front of the Maddalena Archipelago, you can enjoy a rejuvenating holiday with relaxing treatments, thalassotherapy and wellness activities.

Thanks to its kids club, playground, sports activities and organized tours, the Cala di Lepre hotel will make your family holidays comfortable and fun.

The Cala di Falco Resort is perfect for a family vacation thanks to its Baby and Kids Clubs, the children pool, and the proximity to the most beautiful locations and beaches of Northern Sardinia.

The L’Incantu Thalasso & SPA Center is a perfect oasis of tranquillity and wellbeing, between sea water pools and wellness treatments.

A romantic holiday insidea pristine park, a stone’s throw away from the sea and the Maddalena Arcipelago.

Alongside its high quality services, this family resort also features unique spaces dedicated to games and adventure for all ages, kayak excursions and camping outings, you will feel like you are in a fairy tale.

Relax and enjoy fantastic food at the Parco degli Ulivi restaurant, a stone’s throw away from the amazing beaches of Costa Smeralda.

A Design Hotel in the heart of Sardinia to discover the Barbagia region and its cuisine in a romantic setting.

A fantastic luxury resort to discover the wonders of the Tavolara Protected Area. Several rooms suitable for families with children, kids club and entertainment services.

This boutique hotel is an ancient residence in Alghero with royal suites in a spectacular location on a promontory by the sea.

A candle lit dinner, by the sea, for a romantic holiday of peace and relaxation.

A romantic sunset over the sea near a captivating ancient hamlet and a gorgeous beach.

Only 50 meters from the beach, a golf hotel that places at your disposal one of the best golf courses in Italy, an 18 hole course that occupies 40 hectares in the Capo Carbonara Protected Marine Area.


With the most prestigious boats, our crews will guide you on memorable days to discover the La Maddalena Archipelago and the South of Corsica. Exclusive service on board.Poseidon is also specialized in fishing trips and provides you with the best equipment to cope with any type of capture together with the experience of experienced local fishermen.


The activities:- Fishing trips;- Organization of “all inclusive” fishing weekends;- Whale watching (sighting large cetaceans);- Internships dedicated to the deepening of the various techniques.   We think of everything:Equipment, baits, lunch, fuel, expert crew to guide you in the most fishy waters.   In addition there is the possibility of Luxury Yacht rental to choose from a wide range of proposals.Service available in all the ports of Northern Sardinia.


Luhrs 360 Open

Latest generation American Fisherman with every comfort on board: air conditioning, hi-fi, refrigerator, kitchenette, microwave and colour TV. Designed for fishing and equipped with the best professional instruments as well as a professional SONAR 360 ° scanner.

Length 11,86 m
Beam 4,22 m
Weight 9.988 Kg /21.973 pounds
Engine power 2X 450 hp Caterpillar
Capacity 12 passengers

Riviera 4000 Off-shore

This model also features the most sophisticated fishing gear and electronic equipment available on the market. Spacious and stable 14-metre boat with an elegant, sporty design, suitable for any type of deep-water fishing.

Length 13,60 m
Beam 4,46 m
Weight 11.500 Kg / 25.300 pounds
Engine power 2X 480 Hp Cummins
Capacity 12 passengers

Tiara 36

Perfect solution for the maximum comfort. This boat has all the prestigious optionals.

Length 12,74 m
Beam 4,02 m
Engine power 2X 380 Hp Cummins
Capacity 10 passengers

e-mail: poseidoncharter@gmail.com
office: +39 079 694167
mobile: +39 393 9102615

This golf hotel is between the Sulcis hills and Nora beach. It is Sardinia's biggest golf course with 27 holes, to enjoy a holiday of sports and relaxation.

Near all the main facilities of the Resort and at the center of a lush garden, with its spacious bungalows, this hotel is great for families with children.


Sardinian Holidays in Emerald Coast

The Emerald Coast became more known than Sardinia itself. It was born from an idea of Prince Aga Khan in 1962. One of the poorest areas of Sardinia became its flagship, putting Sardinia amongst the most desirable international jet set destinations.


The name Emerald Coast was suggested by Arch.Luigi Vietti, inspired by the magic colors of the Sardinian transparent sea surrounded by granitic rocks that looked like plastic sculptures, according to him.


Thanks to this project, today many tourists can admire all the beauties of these 55 km of coastline that otherwise would be probably wild land.
In 4 days you can know a good portion of this special destination right in the middle of Mediterranean sea.





Arrival at Olbia Costa Smeralda airport. Rent a car or contact us for a private transfer and go straight to refresh yourselves in a beach you find in the way to the hotel. While waiting for the check in time, you can enjoy Liscia Ruja beach (also called Long beach) where you can even eat and drink at the Long Beach Cafè.

Later, relaxed after sea and sun bathing go to the hotel to take a bath and go for a walk to know Porto Cervo and its “piazzette” (small squares), where you’ll find shops of the best Italian and international brands so as bars and restaurants.

You can visit the Stella Maris church, a project by Michele Busiri Vici, where you can see the Mater Dolorosa from '500 by El Greco – Domenico Theotocopulos, a Greek artist of the Renaissance so as Pinuccio Sciola sculptures.

In the evening you can eat a pizza at Pomodoro, a traditional local restaurant & pizzeria where Costa Smeralda habitues use to go often.




Did you forget to switch off the alarm? No problem because you’ll have the opportunity to smell the Sardinian fresh air of the morning that smells of elicriso, a local typical flower (some people smell its perfume as soon as they arrive at the airport).


Take some sandwiches and fruits (or eat at the beach bar) and dedicate a whole day to the sea at Piccolo Pevero beach. Transparent water and a beach with common services where you can rent beach chair and umbrellas.


In the afternoon, go back to the hotel, take a shower and head to Baja Sardinia, to drink a mojito at the Phi Beach, mentioned in New York Times as one of the 10 sunsets in the world one cannot miss at all.


Later you can have dinner in one of the pleasant restaurants in the cute Baja Sardinia village.




No hurry, no worry, you’re in Sardinia. Lazy wake up and, after having breakfast, go to Prince beach (spiaggia del Principe), one of the most beautiful ones in Emerald Coast. It is right after the Cala di Volpe hotel, to your left, before Capriccioli. Its name seems to be dueto the fact it used to be the favorite of the Prince Aga Khan. The sea is crystal clear blue and it is probably due to the sea bottom of granite and sand.


After move to Capriccioli. A Paradise angle with clear blue water where you will feel like being inside a paint, so beautiful the environment is.
In the evening, go to Porto Rotondo (round port). It is not officially part of Emerald Coast Consortium but it is a must when you visit this part of Sardinia. It resembles Porto Cervo, but being much more intimate as it was not created as Porto Cervo, but it was born amongst friends who began to call other friends to buy villas there. During the 80’ years, a lot of Italian and international actors and actresses like Virna Lisi were often seen walking along the port.

There are many choices for a drink or to eat something along Porto Rotondo squares and along the port walks.




It is easy to get used to the beach routine. Even if you have to check out, after breakfast, just put the luggage into the car, and go for a last plunge in the crystal Sardinian sea. Go to Rena Bianca beach, in the way back to the airport. A last plunge to make the promise of coming back soon for more.



Ana Maria Vasconcellos




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